Java parameters
How many parameters should a method have?The answer is the fewest possible.Maximum three.Preferably zero.Arguments are bad. Each argument brings more chaos into your function.Each argument
What do we want? We dont know! When do we want it? Next sprint!
How many parameters should a method have?The answer is the fewest possible.Maximum three.Preferably zero.Arguments are bad. Each argument brings more chaos into your function.Each argument
Names matter a lot in programming.Even with small functions, if you have cryptic names you won’t be able to understand anything from the code you
Low Coupling, High Cohesion is a programming principle that says that your classes should be coupled with other classes as little as possible but the
There are two main ways an object can interact with another object.It can have the other object as a property: this is called composition.Or it
Tests are important.Writing clean code is the best thing you can do as a programmer.But clean code without tests isn’t complete.It’s like riding a bike
I have 2 clean code courses that you can watch on Udemy: Clean code with Java examplesClean code with PHP examples You can also watch